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  • DEATAK(Govmark)

  • 锥形量热仪





    适用行业:皮革鞋材 户外用品 建材家居 科研及品质控制






一、设备名称:DEATAK 锥型量热仪 
二、型 号:CC-2 

 ASTM E 1354, ASTM E 1550, ASTM E 1740, ASTM D 6113, ISO 5660 Parts 1 and2; NFPA 271*; ASTM D 5485 **,CAN ULC 135;BS 476 Part 15. 
* Supersedes NFPA 264.替代NFPA264 
** Requires auxiliary parts at an additional.需要选配额外装置

四、技术参数 Specification: 
CONE HEATER----锥型加热器 

• Tubular heater element (original and spare) rated at 5000 Watts at 
230 Volts conically wound to a truncated cone shape producing 
uniform irradiances of up to 100kW/m2 measured 1 inch below 
heater face over the 100 mm x 100 mm specimen exposure area. 管状加热器(230V, 5K 瓦,附备用一个)环绕成锥台状,对试样平台(100mm x 100mm)产生的辐照度(热流量)为 100kW/m2,加热器和平台间距离为 1 英寸。 
• The heater temperature is monitored and controlled by three (3) type K thermocouples and a 3-term PID temperature control. 加热器的温度由 3 支 K 型热电偶和一个 3 级 PID 温控器控制
• Spark igniter. 电子点火 
• Specimen shield. 试样架
• Computerized automated setting of heat flux level. 电脑自动设定热辐射等级
• Combustion area surrounded by transparent walls to prevent drafts during test.燃烧区域有透明罩隔离

• Stainless steel construction of combustion area hood, duct, orifice plate, exhaust blower and gas sampling ring probe. 燃烧区的烟道、烟管、烟罩、孔板、抽风机和气样探头都用不锈钢打造 
• Variable speed blower having a nominal flow rate of 0.024 m3/s. 无极变速抽风机的常流量速率为 0.024 m3/s. 
• Thermocouple temperature measurement and calibrated pressure transducer for determining exhaust flow rate. 风机流量由电热偶和压力传感器控制 
• Easy to disassemble for routine maintenance or service.装拆容易,以利保养。

• Total range of 6 kg. 最大 6 公斤 
• Accuracy ± 0.01 g. 精度± 0.01 g 
• Constructed to no effects of temperature to weight system reading. 特殊结构,称量系统不受温度影响
• Computerized calibration and scaling. 电脑校准和测试 
• 3 each, stainless steel construction. 3 个不锈钢材料的试样夹 
• Retainer frame and grid included for each specimen holder 试样夹包含护框和网格 
• Accommodate specimens 100 mm x 100mm x 50 mm thick. 装载试样的大小:100 mm x 100mm x 50 mm 
• Easy loading of test specimens into holder. 装载容易

• Helium-Neon laser light source. 氦-氖激光源 
• Main beam and Reference beam (compensation) detectors. 主辅互补光束探头 
• Absorptive type (non-film) 0.3 O.D and 0.8 O.D density calibration filters. 吸收型(无膜)中密度校验滤光镜,0.3 O.D 和0.8 O.D 
• K-type thermocouple temperature measurement. K 型温度热电偶 
• Computerized calibration and scaling 电脑校验和测试. 
• Maximum range: k = 20.00 –m (extinction coefficient). 最大范围:k = 20.00 –m,(衰减率)

• Calibration burner for burning pure methane to calibrate heat release measurement (determine C-factor) 经过校验燃烧高纯度燃气(methane gas)的燃烧器,校验确定热释放速率(确定 C 值) 
• Calibrated Mass flow controller used to control gas flow 经过校验的流量控制系统,控制燃气的流量 
• Control and calibration procedure computerized 控制和校验程序电脑化操作 
• Computerized automatic adjustment of gas flow to user set energy level. 电脑自动控制和设定热气流量

HEAT FLUX METER (original and calibration spare)----热流计(随机和附加) 
• Computerized procedure for setting exposure irradiance of specimen under test. 电脑程序设定测试状态中的试样起燃的副照度 
• Computer automatically adjusts appropriate controls to obtain user set flux level. 电脑自动控制和设定热流量 
• Computer control of heat flux temperature controller 电脑控制热流温度控制器 
• Schmidt-Boelter Type Heat Flux Meter Schmidt-Boelter 型热流计  
• Water cooled 水冷功能 
• 0-100 kW/m2 range 范围 0-100 kW/m2 
• NIST traceable calibration 通过美国标准局校验 

• Gas sampling ring and gas sample lines constructed of stainless steel or Teflon 不锈钢和特氟隆材料制成的气体采集环和管 
• Soot Filters 油烟过滤器 
• Sorbents 系着剂 
• Flow controls 流量控制 
• Sample pump 气样泵 
• Cold trap for removing excess moisture 除湿用的冷却汽水阀 
• High Quality Gas Analyzers 军用级气体分析仪: 

O2 ANALYZER----氧分析仪 
- Paramagnetic 顺磁性 
- 0-25 % O2 range O2 测试范围 0-25 %; 
- Pressure compensated 压力补偿 
- Controlled temperature 可控温度
- < 100 ppm noise and drift (per standard) 噪声和漂移,小于 100ppm 
- Computerized calibration and scaling 电脑校准和测试 

 CO2 ANALYZER----二氧化碳分析仪 
- Non-dispersive Infra-red 非色散红外 
- 0 - 10 % CO2 range (v/v) CO2 范围:0 - 10 % 
- Computerized calibration and scaling 电脑校准和测试

CO ANALYZER----一氧化碳分析仪 
- Non-dispersive Infra-red 非色散红外 
- 0-1 % CO range (v/v) CO 范围:0-1% 
- Computerized calibration and scaling 电脑校准和测试

• The instrument is calibrated using Govmark’s unique and proprietary Autocalibration techniques eliminating dependence on 
the operator to make tedious and precise tuning adjustments of the analytical devices. 系统校验,测试,记录和报告采用Govmark 专用软件,精准,可靠。 
• The Govmark Cone Calorimeter software is Microsoft (MS) Windows compatible. 专用软件使用微软视窗系统 
• The user interface uses the standard Microsoft user interface logic and styling for ease of use and familiarity to simplify 
calibration and test operations. 其接口便于校验和测试的操作 
• User-friendly pull down menus and tabs show status of the instrument, calibration and test progress. 窗门菜单清楚显示系统、各仪器、校验和测试程序的状态。 
• Fast data acquisition scanning – Collection and recording of test data a minimum rate of 4 scans per second (250 milliseconds per scan); e.g. 100 second test contains 400 test data scans. 快速数据采集扫描:4 次/秒,即 250 毫秒/扫描。 
• Real time display shows continuous instrument status 即时显示系统的状态
• A minimum of 6 analog input channels are made available to the User to store custom scaled data channels or events in the 
test file in addition to the channels required for the standard operation and test data gathering. 6 通道基本模拟信号输入,并可随意增加,扩大测试的范围和项目
• Real time test data displayed during test 即时显示测试数据 
• Real time test data is collected and stored for analysis in Microsoft Excel. 即时采集测试数据和储存,利用微软 Excel 软件分析 
• Standard calculations are accomplished using MS Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros preprogrammed in Microsoft Excel to present results as formatted reports and graphs. 采用 MS VBA 专用软件(Govmark 注册)制作图表和报告。 
• Macros creating reports and graphs to the ASTM 1354 and ISO 5660 Parts 1 and 2 are included with the Govmark software. 
Govmark 专用软件经由 Macros 注册,该公司为 ASTM 1354 和 ISO 5660 Parts 1 and 2 测试图表和报告提供专用软件。 
• The user, using Microsoft Excel’s macro editor and/or MS VBA editor may easily customize the preprogrammed formatted 
reports creating: 通过微软 Excel 和 VBA 程序,可专业编辑测试报告。 
- Non-standard calculations of the data 数据的非标准计算 
- Specialized or custom reports 编辑测试报告 
- Specialized or custom graphs. 编辑测试曲线 
• Test Data may be transferred to any database and SPC programs capable of accepting MS Excel file data. 测试数据可通过电子邮件异地转移,在第三方分析测试的结果和曲线,只要他方具有相同的软件功能。

• Data acquisition interface with and isolated digital inputs, isolated digital outputs, analog input/output channels, 16-bit analog 
input channel resolution, 16-bit analog output channel resolution 数据采集系统具有独立的数字信号输入和输出,模拟信号的输入和输出频道;16 数位模拟信号的输入出频道处理。 
• Fast data acquisition scanning – Collection and recording of test data a minimum rate of 4 scans per second (250 milliseconds per scan); e.g. 100 second test contains 400 test data scans. 快速数据采集扫描---4 幁次/秒能力
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 – 7200U CPU@2.50 GHz 
RAM 8.00GB 
Windows 10 Home



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